Last year, the Plumas Sierra County Fair was rated by the State of California as a "C" fair, which is the lowest grade a fair can receive. In addition to that, our fair was considered a "Priority Fair" by the State. At the time, there were 21 fairs out of 78 in California with that designation. It means that a fair is unstable in management and finances. The major result of these designations was the State holding back money from the Plumas Sierra County Fair. Well, good news.
Our fair now holds a grade of "B". Why not an "A"? Well, you can't jump two letter grades in a year. We expect to be upgraded by next year. The State has one less fair on their priority list, since they've removed us from that list. The result was a flood of grant monies for improvements and operations. How did we do that? For starters, the staff of Kathy Tedford, Oran Morrison and Willo Vieira made a committment to excel at their jobs. Kathy and I jumped headfirst into getting all our reports into the State. Some were over a year behind. We worked closely with the Department of Fairs and Expositions in an effort to show we cared and were dedicated to providing them with the information they required. Oran's involvement with the maintenance community around the State helped speed along our grant expenditures on things like our new PA system, Floriculture Building Roof, Grandstand rehab and much more. Oran is a leader throughout the State and is an instructor at Maintenance Mania, a twice yearly meeting of maintenance staffs from fairs statewide.
It doesn't stop there, but this blog does because I have to get back to work. We want you all to know we won't stop until the Plumas Sierra County Fair is considered one of the top fairs in the State of California. Thanks for your support!