Next big event is Sled Wars. This event is going to be a big one in the years to come, wait and see. Keith and Kenny have lined up some great racing AND a show by Liv Fast. Some of you may remember these guys perform in Portola during Railroad Days a few years ago and they were flying down the main street 30 feet in the air on their motor bikes. Fantastic show. There's a link to their website on our front page, or heck, I'm done talking, so here it is now!
It was a huge year for the music festival and it seems everyone enjoyed themselves. This is one professionally run event! If you think it's just a bunch of hippies having a party, well, that's the idea. The truth is, this is a group of people that know what they're doing, and do it well. If anyone wonders if this is worth it for the community economically, here's some redneck cipherin': let's say there are 10,000 people and every 4th one fills up with gas at, say, 50 gallons, at, say, $4 a gallon. That makes $500,000, a half a mil. At 7.25% sales tax, that's $36,250, not including all the other taxes that go into gas. We haven't even talked about food, drink, laundry, yada, yada, yada. It's a good gig for us.
Next big event is Sled Wars. This event is going to be a big one in the years to come, wait and see. Keith and Kenny have lined up some great racing AND a show by Liv Fast. Some of you may remember these guys perform in Portola during Railroad Days a few years ago and they were flying down the main street 30 feet in the air on their motor bikes. Fantastic show. There's a link to their website on our front page, or heck, I'm done talking, so here it is now!
This Saturday is the annual County Picnic at the fairgrounds. The main attraction is the Sierra Cascade Streetrodders Show and Shine, but there will be several food and commercial vendors too. The Quincy quilt guild will be selling tickets for their opportunity quilt, the Lions Club has their breakfast and QHS alumni will have a little get together in the Mineral Building. Footloose Dance Studio will perform right by the front gate.
The other annual event that I look forward to is the Junior Livestock small animal weigh-in. One of the first steps a 4H or FFA member takes in raising an animal for the auction, Sunday, August 12, the last day of the fair. If you want to come see the pigs, goats and sheep, come back by the livestock barns around 8am this Saturday. It all wraps up with American Valley Speedway racing that night. They had a great turn-out at the last race, that must mean they're doing something right!! Come on out and watch race, you might get hooked. If you like volunteering, and if you like helping out someplace fun, then you should stop by the fairgrounds and see what you can do. We need help on everything from gardening, to light construction, to organizing projects, to janitorial work, to answering phones, to clerking for judges. It really is fun and the people are all fun. Call the office and let Kathy, or me, know what you can or want to do and we will surely find a spot. Thanks in advance!
Don't forget the Children's Fair this weekend and you need to get serious about what you are going to enter into the fair. Entry deadline is July 13. So, I'm already impressed with myself for writing a blog, but the truth is hardly anyone reads a this blog because everyone else is hip and talks on Facebook anyway. But, I thought I should still update this column and let everyone know things are looking up at the Plumas Sierra County Fairgrounds! Yes! Electronic Recycling will happen on May 4th and 5th. Bring your old monitors, CPUs, cell phones, printers, etc. No batteries or household appliances, except for microwaves. Don't ask me why.
The big exciting event is the Over The Line Tournament. You can get all the details on this fun weekend by clicking on the tab above. Let me just say, this tournament is licensed by the original Over The Line tournament held annually in San Diego, and event that draws over 60,000 people! I am really hoping this event can turn into a High Sierra Music Festival calibre happening. You can help make that happen by forming a team. It only takes 3 people and there is no running. My kind of sport! Taste of Plumas this weekend. Come on down to the f What a bad fair manager/blogger I've been! I probably did have time to keep everyone current, I guess I just didn't think about it. Anyway, there's no time like the present to catch things up.
Plans for the 2012 fair are in high gear and I'll bring you up to date on progress next week. For now, I just want to take a moment to thank everyone who has helped, supported, donated and celebrated the Plumas Sierra County Fair. I usually don't like to name names, mainly because I know I'll forget someone, but here goes anyway. If I missed you, or you someone else I missed, just add them or you to the comment section. Or, give me a smack in the head, and then I'll have another topic to write about! Volunteers, especially Willo, Fred, Jill, Charlie, Jerry, my family, Bill, Margie, and Michelle. Sponsors and donors, especially Jim and Judy Madden. Boosters, especially Jon, Lori, Terry, Lisa, Holly, Lucia, Mona, the Fair Board, 4H and FFA. Angels, especially Grant and Cindy. I know I didn't cover everyone, but you have to start somewhere! Happy New Year! Well, that wraps up the 2011 Plumas Sierra County Fair. It has been a rough 12 months of mainly financial challenges and uncertainty, but thanks to a dedicated staff and Fair Board, I would consider the event a success. The entertainment was the best in years and Kidland!, hosted by Calvary Chapel was a major hit. Our Bull Ride Smackdown was standing room only. Take time to check out the You Tube video of our now world famous Redneck Electricity Parade.
It looks like we have a plan in place to keep the fairgrounds open, meaning there will be a fair in 2012! We can use any help you can offer, so contact the fair office if you have an area of interest or expertise, we would love to have you. I have lots of exciting events planned over the next year, so let's have Local resident Al Muir is having one humongous garage sale at the Fairgrounds this weekend. Cars, tools, furniture and good junk! Stop by.
Sled Wars was a big success. Excellent job by Keith and Kenny on putting on a very professional show. Good attendance, good racing. This will turn into a major event for Plumas County. Pre sale carnival tickets are now being sold around the county. Save yourself some money and pick up at least two per kid. Wednesday is Kid's Day at the Fair... all kids under 12 get free Fair admission and you can exchange a presale carnival ticket book for two all ride wristband that day. Remember, the carnival doesn't open until 4pm on Wednesday. More next week.... Sledwars! Swim Meet! Horse Show! This fairground is the most used event facility in the county, by far. Swing on out if you like loud snowmobiles racing on grass. The races start at 9am. There's food and even a bikini contest, which I had to withdraw from because of a hamstring injury. It looks like we have received a great number of entries for the fair, and you still have time to enter any floriculture
These people know how to put on an event! Whether the music is your gig or not, you have to admire the logistics of how these promoters fit almost 10,000 people on our fairgrounds and entertain them. This is our number one source of income at the fairgrounds, and we appreciate that they have chosen Plumas County as the sight of their shindig. I also know they appreciate the location and local support. Hopefully, we can keep this relationship going for many years to come.
Sled Wars is next weekend. Come watch people race snowmobiles on grass in July! This is a heavily used fairground, sometimes hosting a half dozen events a day! For those of you who procrastinate, we have extended the entry deadline until next Friday, July 22. You still have time to enter that jam, drawing, potato, afghan or scarecrow. Show us what you can do! Yes, it was a little damp, but spirits were not! We had a great turn-out on a rainy day. The show and shine brought out a fantastic selection of classic cars, the chili cook-off provided plenty of heat and the business expo did exactly what it was supposed to. Lot's of businesses were able to exchange information about each other, offer samples and give out special deals. Good job to Feather Publishing for organizing a great show. The Footloose Dance studio dancers put on a wonderful show and the Cub Scout Bike Rodeo was well attended. A special thanks to Kent and the Quincy Chamber for gathering an all-star line-up of chili makers. Everyone who went through Old Town to check it out, enjoyed the competition. I can't tell you who won right now, but I'm sure it will be in the paper this Wednesday. I also want to say, the citizens of Plumas County have a great staff here at the fairgrounds. My thanks to the whole crew for pitching in with limited resources and putting together a great event.
John SteffanicJohn is the CEO of the Plumas Sierra County Fair. He lives in Portola and has been coming to the Fair in Quincy since he was a young boy. Chipper has allowed his name to be used in the title of this blog, but the viewpoints are all John's. Archives
July 2012