Competitive ExhibitsClick on the picture to see a small selection of what has been shown, and what could have been shown, at the Plumas Sierra County Fair.
EntertainmentClick on the picture to see videos of some of the entertainers who were scheduled for the Fair. Just pretend you're sitting on a bench on a cool August evening...
Welcome to the Fair.... |
2020 Junior Livestock Auction
You can almost taste the Fair Food!Click on the picture to virtually taste all the Fair Food you expect at the Fair. Plus, let us know what is the first thing you plan on eating at the Fair in 2021.
Enjoy some carnival rides!Click on the Ferris Wheel below to have the chance to virtually ride some of the popular rides that come to the Plumas Sierra County Fair. There might also be a ride that doesn't come here, but since we are imagining anyway....
Sweetheart of the Mountains Scholarship Competition
2020 Sweetheart of the Mountains Zaya White |
Both girls drew the same poise question by coincidence this year!
2020 Sweetheart of the Mountains Runner Up